APEX 4240 Mobile Stage

The Apex 4240 is the largest Mobile Stage we carry at 42' W, 38' D, and 25' H. This stage is great for any large event and has the best specifications in its class! The stage deploys out of a 46' Class A Trailer and can be fully set up in about 4 hours. We can package lighting, video, and audio systems with this stage, along with a crew to set up, manage, and take down the stage and equipment.
Stage Deck:
• Stage Deck Size 42' x 38'
• Deck Height 55" to 72"
Stage Roof:
• Covered Roof Size 44'-10" x 39'x10"
• Fly Bay Length 6'-6"
• Stage to Upstage Roof Beam 25'
• Stage to Downstage Roof Beam 25'
Beam Loads:
• Angled Fly Bay Support: 2@ 2,000lbs
• Fly Bays: 4@ 4,000lbs
• Downstage Beam: 7,260lbs evenly dist.
• Upstage Beams: 7,260lbs evenly dist.
• Midstage Beam: 2@ 7,260lbs evenly dist.
• Intermediate Beams: 2@ 3,000lbs ea.
• Total Roof Capacity: 58,700lb